OCR Output


not made in Hungary, the “patriarchal bargain” the loyalty to men as a key to self
fulfilment was replaced by “party bargain”: the loyalty to the MSZP which the
women were unable neither to modernize nor to transform. As it is often the case
with simulacrums.

Returning the issue of simulacrum which frames my contribution to this
volume honoring Professor Karoly Bard, we cannot expect a popular impact of
social democracy in the future if the internationalism and universalism, the two
key corner stones of social democratic movement will not be reconceptualised This
new start should lead to the formation of a new language and a new self-definition.
I would not go as far as Tony Judt claiming that “social democracy” as a term has
not relevance (everybody is a democrat nowadays and social is a too wide concept to
attract anybody). Therefore, what remained for him is the “fear” from worst to come
as a mobilization force. In that case we can only hope that parties claiming social
democracy as a heritage will learn from the past mistakes and reconsider its position
to difference. Otherwise social democracy together with progressive politics really
becomes a vanishing simulacrum in a land “inhabited by animals and beggars”.


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New York Review of Books 56 (2009), No. 20. https://www.nybooks.com/
articles/2009/12/17/what-is-living-and-what-is-dead-in-social-democrac/ last
accessed on 1 December, 2021

Kovács, M. Mária, A magyar feminizmus korszakfordulója, Café Bábel 4 (1994),

NIKOLCHINA, Miglena, The Seminar: Mode d’emploi Impure Spaces in the Light
of Late Totalitarianism, Differences — a Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
13 (2002), 96-127.

PETÖ Andrea - SZAPOR Judit, Women and the Alternative Public Sphere: toward
a Redefinition of Women's Activism and the Separate Spheres in East Central
Europe, NORA, Nordic Journal of Women's Studies 12 (2004), 172-182.

PETO, Andrea, À Missing Piece? How Women in the Communist Nomeclature
are not Remembering, East European Politics and Society 16 (2003), 948-958.

PETÖ, Andrea, Anti-Modernist Political Thoughts on Motherhood in Europe in
a Historical Perspective, in Heike Kahlert — Ernst Waltraud (eds.), Reframing
Demographic Change in Europe. Perspectives on Gender and Welfare State
Transformations (Focus Gender), Band 11. Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2010, 189-201.

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