OCR Output



AMBOS, Kai, Is the Development of a Common Substantive Criminal Law for
Europe Possible?, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 12
(2005), 173-191.

BACKMAN, Eero, Rechtsstaat und Strafrecht, in Raimo Lahti - Kimmo Nuotio
(eds.), Towards a Total reform of Finnish Criminal Law, Helsinki, University
of Helsinki, 1990, 7-20.

BÁRD, Károly, Division of Jurisdiction between National and International Courts
— What Role Should the European Human Rights Court Play? in Ligeti, Katalin
(ed.), Homage to Imre A. Wiener, Nouvelles Etudes Pénales, No. 22, Toulouse,
Association Internationale de Droit Pénal, Érès 2010, 35-48.

BARD, Karoly, European Criminal Law, in Raimo Lahti (ed.), Kohti rationaalista ja
humaania kriminaalipolitiikkaa, Helsinki, Helsingin yliopisto, 1996, 241-253.

BARD, Karoly, Fairness in Criminal Proceedings. Budapest, Magyar Közlöny Kiad6,

CSONKA, Péter — LANDWEHR, Oliver, 10 Years after Lisbon. How “Lisbonised” is
the Substantive Criminal Law in the EU? Eucrim (2019), 261-267.

Farkas, Akos — ROTH, Erika, The Constitutional Limits of the Efficiency of
Criminal Justice, Acta Juridica Hungarica 37 (1995/1996), 139-150.

FRÄNDE, Dan, Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen, Helsinki, Ekenäs, 1989.

HIRVONEN, Ari, The Rule of Justice and the Ethical Limits of Criminal Law, Acta
Juridica Hungarica 37 (1995/1996), 221-230.

HONKASALO, Brynolf, Suomen rikosoikeus. Yleiset opit I, Helsinki, Hameenlinna,
Karisto, 1965.

HorvATH, Tibor, The Problems of Constitutional Regulation of the Right to Life,
Acta Juridica Hungarica 37 (1995/1996), 231-242.

JyRANKI, Antero, Taking Democracy Seriously. The problem of the control of the
constitutionality of legislation. The case of Finland, in Maija Sakslin (ed.), The
Finnish Constitution in Transition, Helsinki, Finnish Society of Constitutional
Law, 1991, 6-30.

Kıs, Norbert, Ihe Principle of Culpability in European Criminal Law Systems, in
Hollän, Miklös (ed.), Towards More Harmonised Criminal Law in the European
Union, Budapest, Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 2004, 107-117.

KLIP, Andre (ed.), Substantive Criminal Law ofthe European Union, Antwerpen,
Maklu, 2011.

LAHTI, Raimo: From Comparative Criminal Law to the Europeanization and
Internationalization of Criminal Law in Ligeti, Katalin (ed.), Homage to Imre A.
Wiener, Nouvelles Etudes Pénales, No. 22, Toulouse, Association Internationale
de Droit Pénal, Érès 2010, 21-31.

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