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have better preserved fidelity to the rule of law than denying the name of ‘law’ to
a Nazi statute.*® Perhaps, as Fuller and Dworkin suggest, fidelity to law requires
instead to disagree about what law is, and from the courts to be more articulate
about and attentive to interpretation by perpetrators of the lawfulness of their acts.
Social reinterpretation of what is law will not explode trials, but overstretching
limits of individual liability may well do so.


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DuEF, R. Antony, Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability, Oxford, Basil Blackwell,

DworkIN, Ronald, Law’s Empire, Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press, 1986.

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48 H.L. A. Hart, Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals, Harvard Law Review 71
(1958), 619.

** Lon L. Fuller, Positivism and Fidelity to Law--A Reply to Professor Hart, Harvard Law
Review 71 (1958), 630-672; Dworkin, Law’s Empire, in general.

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