OCR Output


CLARK, Janine, Plea Bargaining at the ICTY: Guilty Pleas and Reconciliation, The
European Journal of International Law 20 (2009), 415-436.

Purported Execution of Srebrenica Muslims By ‘Scorpions’ Paramilitary
Unit — Allegedly Under Serbian MUP Command, Institute for War & Peace
Reporting (31 May 2005), https://iwpr.net/global-voices/chilling-video-footage¬


CRYER, Robert, Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, in Antonio Cassese
(ed.), The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford, OUP,
2009, 441-443.

DEGAN, Vladimir D. — PAVISIé, Berislav — BES8IREVIÉ, Violeta, Medunarodno i
transnacionalno krivicno pravo, Beograd, Sluzbeni glasnik & PFUUB, 2011.

FORD, Stuart K., A Social Psychology Model of the Perceived Legitimacy of Inter¬
national Criminal Courts: Implications for the Success of Transitional Justice
Mechanisms, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 45 (2012), 405-476.

G.Lasius, Marlies, Do International Criminal Courts Require Democratic
Legitimacy?, The European Journal of International Law 23 (2012), 43-66.

GORDON, Gregory S., The Trial of Peter von Hagenbach: Reconciling History,
Historiography and International Criminal Law, in Kevin Heller — Gerry
Simpson (ed.), The Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials, Oxford, OUP, 2013,

Kress, Claus, The International Criminal Court as a Turning Point in the
History of International Criminal Justice, in Antonio Cassese (ed.), The Oxford
Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford, OUP, 2009, 143-159.

LLEWELLYN, Jennifer J. — PHILPOTT, Daniel (eds.), Restorative Justice,
Reconciliation, and Peacebuilding, Oxford, OUP, 2014.

MENDELOFF, David, Truth-Seeking, Truth-Telling, and Postconflict Peacebuilding:
Curb the Enthusiasm?, International Studies Review 6 (2004), 355-380.

MILANOvVIC, Marko, The Impact of the ICTY on the Former Yugoslavia: An Antici¬
patory Postmortem, American Journal of International Law 110 (2016), 233-259.

ORENTLICHER, Diane, Shrinking the Space for Denial The Impact of the ICTY in
Serbia, New York, NY, Open Society Justice Initiative, 2008.

ORENTLICHER, Diane, Some Kind of Justice: The ICTY’s Impact in Bosnia and
Serbia. Oxford, OUP, 2018.

TayLor, Telford, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir,
Boston, MA, Back Bay Book, 1992.

TEITEL, Ruti, The Law and Politics of Contemporary Transitional Justice, Cornell
International Law Journal 38 (2005), 837-862.

WERLE, Gerhard, Principles of International Criminal Law, Ihe Hague, TMC
Asser Press, 2005.

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