OCR Output


Something that was a valuable resource for me was my internship at the
beginning of my career. I began my internship with the police, where I worked in
several positions at the Hungarian Institute of Forensic Sciences, accompanied
on call officers to murder scenes in the middle of the night and attended
interrogations of juvenile delinquents. This is when I moved on to the prosecutor’s
office, which gave me the opportunity to work with criminal law experts, well
versed in legal dogmatics. I did not have the chance to intern at a court, because
I was called in for reserve service. Lucky for me though, I spent my service as
a military prosecutor, involved in investigating corruption cases among police
and prison staff, for example. Finally, shortly before I left the military when it no
longer made sense to assign to me criminal cases , I was entrusted with working
with suicide attempts. I must say that those whose file I got to work on could call
themselves lucky, since I closed all investigations with the note that there was a
serious intent to commit suicide, the person concerned had not wanted to evade
military service.


V. Z. K.: [hear that you were not only an active member, but a particularly talented
player of the Jogtatök football team, made up of young ELTE teachers. Tell us a
little about this team. To me it seems that it was the main socialization milieu for
early career teachers.

K. B.: I don’t quite remember when we established Jogtatök. What is certain, is
that right after graduation we started playing football on a regular basis and later,
when we became a permanent item in the faculty championship, we organized
our teams. There was Jogtatók 1" and Jogtatók fakó". ( Fakó" the popular term for
the reserve team) Of course we were convinced that Jogtatók 1 was the elit league,
the only one that can really play. In fact, we didnt have much of a fluctuation, this
was a real team. Ihe team included István Kukorelli, Róbert Pethő, Péter Szigeti,
László Kéri, Tamás Földesi and György Jutasi. Sometimes Lajos Pál stepped in as
goalie, and once in a while Boldizsár Nagy and Péter Szalay also played with us.
Later, István Stumpf joined us. I liked to play with Kukorelli and Stumpf best,
because they returned the ball. A few days ago, István Kukorelli sent me his latest
book with the dedication: “thanks for the great passes”.

This really was more than just a football team. For example, we held team
meetings every month, to which we occasionally invited famous people from
high places. Läszlö Kéri always organized these meetings at his flat. The Jogtaték

2 A pun made up of the combination of the words jog (law) and oktatók (teachers).

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