FOREWORD in Europe.? Both his second and third monograph are dedicated to the subject of criminal procedure: his thesis on the right to a fair trial was published in Hungarian‘ and English’ in 2007, as was his doctoral dissertation discussing the conflict between victims’ dignity and defendants’ rights from a comparative perspective.® The part of the anniversary volume dedicated to human rights recalls the fundamental rights work of Karoly Bard. In UNODC, he also dealt with the broad topic of judicial independence; served as the Hungarian member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)? and worked as an expert of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In Hungary, together with Tamas Ban he examined the compatibility of Hungarian law with Strasbourg case-law, ensuring compliance through specific proposals,’° later working as an agent for Hungary before the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee. For many years he worked as director of research at the Budapest Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute (COLPT), later, he headed the human rights program of the CEU’s Department of Legal Studies. Studies on two other major topics were also included in the foreign language volume: international criminal law and processing of the past. As early as 1988, as a Humboldt scholar in Germany, Karoly Bard began working on the subject at the Freiburg Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, before turning his attention to the European Convention on Human Rights and fair trial. 5 Bard Karoly, Discussion Guide, in Yhdistyneiden, kansakuntien yhteydessa toimiva Helsingin kriminaalipoliittinen instituutti (ed.) Non-prosecution in Europe: Report of the European Seminar held in Helsinki; Finland, 22-24 March 1986, Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, 1986, 35-46. ° Bárd Károly, Emberi jogok és büntető igazságszolgáltatás Európában: A tisztességes eljárás büntetőügyekben — emberijog-dogmatikai értekezés (Human rights and criminal justice in Europe: Fair trial in criminal cases — a human rights dogmatics disserations), Budapest, Magyar Hivatalos Közlönykiadó, 2007. 7 Bárd Károly, Fairness in Criminal Proceedings: Article Six ofthe European Human Rights Convention in a Comparative Perspective, Budapest, Magyar Hivatalos Közlönykiadó, 2008. 8 Bard Karoly, Az áldozatok méltósága és a vádlottak jogai: összehasonlító jogi tanulmány (The victims’ dignity and the rights of the accused: a comparative study), Budapest, HVGORAC Lap- és Könyvkiadó Kft., 2021. ° The main idea behind the expert opinion delivered to ECRI has also been published in an academic paper: Bárd Károly, Actions de la police, poursuites judiciaires, condamnations, role des parties civiles, aides aux victimes, in Commission, nationale consultative des Droits de 1 Homme France (ed.) Ce racisme qui menace l’Europe: actes du colloque sur la lutte contre le racisme et la xénophobie en Europe, Paris, La Documentation Française, 1996, 180 -183. 1 Bán Tamás — Bard Karoly, Az Európai Emberi Jogok Egyezménye és a magyar jog: 5., 6. és 7. cikkek (Ihe European Convention on Human Rights and Hungarian law: Articles 5, 6 and 7), Acta Humana: Hungarian Centre for Human Rights Publications 3 (1992), 3 -162. «lle