OCR Output

Irodalomjegyzék [ 203

Heo, M. (2009). Digital Storytelling : An Empirical Study of the Impact of Digital
Storytelling on Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy and Dispositions towards
Educational Technology. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia,
18(4), 405-428.

Heredia-Torres, M. (2020). Audience Engagement and Transmedia Adaptation:
The Case of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. In Victor Hernandez-Santaolalla &
Barrientos Bueno (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling,
Audience Engagement, and Business Strategies (pp. 56-75). IGI Global.

Hermida, A. (2020). The Aesthetic of New Media and Communication Devices in
Film and Television Language. In Victor Hernandez-Santaolalla & Barrientos
Bueno (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling, Audience
Engagement, and Business Strategies (pp. 1-14). IGI Global.

Hernandez-Santaolalla, V. (2020). The Social Media Politicians: Personalisaton,
Athenticity, and Memes. In Victor Hernandez-Santaolalla & Barrientos Bueno
(Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling, Audience Engagement,
and Business Strategies (pp. 272-286). IGI Global.

Hessler, B. & Lambert, J. (2017). Threshold Concepts in Digital Storytelling: Naming
What We Know About Digital Storytelling. In Grete Jamissen, Pip Hardy,
Yngve Nordkvelle & Heather Pleasants (Eds.), Digital Storytelling in Higher
Education (pp. 19-36). Palgrave Macmillan.

High, S. (2014). Telling Stories: A Reflection on Oral History and New Media. Oral
History, 38(1), 101-112.

Hill, A. L. (2008). Learn from My Story: A Participatory Media Initiative for Ugandan
Women Affected by Obstetric Fistula. Agenda Empowering Women for Gender
Equity, 77, 48-60.

Hoidn, S. & Kärkkäinen, K. (2014). Promoting Skills for Innovation in Higher Edu¬
cation: A Literature Review on the Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning
and of Teaching Behaviours. OECD Education Working Papers, 100. Paris:
OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5k3tsj671226-en

Holland, N. N. (1990). Tranzaktiv beszamolö a tranzaktiv irodalomtudomänyröl.
Helikon, 2-3, 250- 251.

Horbacauskiene, J. (2021). Linguistic Elements as Tools for the Analysis of Me¬
dia Narratives. In Lorena Clara Mihaes, Raluca Andreescu, & Anda Dimitriu
(Eds.), Handbook of research on contemporary storytelling methods across new
media and disciplines (pp. 63-77). IGI Global.

Horváth, K. g Oblath, M. (Eds.) (2015). A részvételi ifjúságkutatás módszerei. OKT¬
Full Tanácsadó Kft.

Horváth, K., Oblath, M., Lanszki, A., Teszáry, J., Csoszó, G., 8z Takács, G. (2017). A Sa¬
játszínház módszerei. Művészet alapú részvételi kutatás. Budapest: LHarmattan.

Hughes, C., & Barrie, S. (2010). Influenes of graduate attributes in higher education.
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(3), 325-334.

Hull, G. A., & Katz, M.-L. (2006). Crafting an Agentative Self: Case Studies on Di¬
gital Storytelling. Research in the Teaching of English, 41(1), 43-81.