OCR Output

Irodalomjegyzék | 199

Hartmut Koenitz, & Mas Haahr (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling. 11. Interna¬
tional Conference on International Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2018, Dublin,
Ireland, December 5-8, 2018, Proceedings (pp. 359-362). Springer.

Dömötör, T. (1983). A népszokások költészete. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.

Dörner, R., Grimm, P., & Abawi, D. F. (2002). Synergies between interactive
training simulations and digital storytelling: A component-based framework.
Computers and Graphics (Pergamon), 26(1), 45-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/

Dôrnyei, K., & Mitev, A. (2015). Netnográfia. In Horváth Dóra & Mitev Ariel. Al¬
ternatív kvalitatív kutatási kézikönyv (pp. 157-185). Budapest: Alinea Kiadó.

Dringo- Horvath, I., Dombi, J., Hiilber, L., Menyhei, Zs., M. Pintér, T., & Papp-Dan¬
ka, A. (2020). Az oktatasinformatika mödszertana a felsőoktatásban. Károli
Gáspár Református Egyetem IKT Kutatóközpontja. ISBN 978-615-5961-40¬
3 (online), ISBN 978-615-5961-41-0 (print).

Duran, R. L. (1992). Communicative adaptability: A review of conceptualization
and measurement, Communication Quarterly, 40(3), 253-268. https://doi.

Duveskog, M., Tedre, M., Sedano, C. I., & Sutinen, E. (2012). Life planning by digital
storytelling in a primary school in rural Tanzania. Educational Technology
and Society, 15(4), 225-237. https://doi.org/10.2307/jeductechsoci.15.4.225

Echeverri, D., & Wei, H. (2020). Letters to Jose: A Design Case for Building Tangible
Interactive Narratives. In Anne-Gwenn Bosser, David E. Millard, & Char¬
lie Hargood (Eds.), Interactive Storytelling. 13th International Conference on
Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2020, Bournemouth, UK, November 3-6,
2020, Proceedings (pp. 15-29). Springer.

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Eglinton, K. A., Gubrium, A., & Wexler, L. (2017). Digital Storytelling as Arts¬
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Ehmann, B., Altbacker, A., & Balazs, L. (2018). Emotionality in isolated, confined
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Ehmann, B., Balazs, L., Fulop, E., Hargitai, R., Kabai, P., Peley, B., Polya, T., Var¬
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Analysis as a Tool for Psychological Status Monitoring of Crews in Isolated,
Confined and Extreme Settings. Acta Astronautica, 68(9-10), 1560-1566.

Ehmann, B., Csertö, I., Ferenczhalmy, R., Fülöp, É., Hargitai, R., Kővágó, P., Póz
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lomelemzés: a NARRCAT. In Tanacs Attila, Varga Viktor, & Vincze Veronika
(Eds), X. Magyar Szamitögepes Nyelveszeti Konferencia (pp. 136-147). Szege¬
di Tudomänyegyetem.