OCR Output

194] Digitális média és történetmesélés a felsőoktatásban

Anderson, K. M. (2017). Lets Get Personal: Digital Stories for Transformational
Learning in Social Work Students. In Grete Jamissen, Pip Hardy, Yngve
Nordkvelle, & Heather Pleasants (Eds.), Digital Storytelling in Higher Educa¬
tion (pp. 73-90). Palgrave Macmillan.

Anderson, L. & Kinnair, D. (2018). Reflection: They Just Don't Get It! - Digital
Stories from Junior Doctors. In Pip Hardy, & Tony Sumner (Eds.), Cultivating
Compassion: How Digital Storytelling is Transforming Healthcare (pp. 155-168)
(2nd ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-64146-1

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És Demokrácia, (25), 105-109.

Andreasen, A.R. (1985). „Backward” Marketing Research. Harvard Business Review,
5-6, 176-182.

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Bach, B., Stefaner, M., Boy, J., Drucker, J., Bartram, L., Wood, J., Ciuccarelli, P.,
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for Data-Driven Storytelling. In Nathalie Henry Riche, Christophe Hurter,
Nicholas Diakopoulos, & Sheelagh Carpendale (Eds.), Data-Driven Storytelling
(pp. 107-134). CRC Press.

Bajomi-Lazar, P. (2006). Manipuläl-e a media? Mediakutatö, 6(2). https://www.

Balint, K., Blessing, J., & Rooney, B. (2020). Shot scale matters: The effect of close¬
up frequency on mental state attribution in film viewers. Poetics, 83(Decem¬
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Balint, K., Kuijpers, M. M., & Doicaru, M. M. (2017). The effect of suspense structure
on felt suspense and narrative absorption in literature and film. In M. Kuijpers,
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Balint, K., Tan, E. S., & Doicaru, M. M. (2014). Empatia és suspense. A mozinézé
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Balint, P. (2014). Archaic Images in Folk Tales. The Tales of Istvan Jakab, Gipsy Tale
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Bandi-Rao, S., & Sepp, M. (2014). Designing a Digital Story Assignment for Basic

Writers Using the TPCK Framework. Journal of Basic Writing, 33(1), 103-123.