OCR Output

202 | Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education

László, J. g Vincze, O. (2001). Az újdonság varázsa és a történet öröme. In
Pléh Csaba, László János, k Oláh, András (Eds.), Tanulás, kezdeményezés,
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Leaf, B. g Diaz, K. R. (2017). Reflective Information Seeking: Unpacking
Meta-Research Skills Ihrough Digital Storytelling. In Grete Jamissen, Pip
Hardy, Yngve Nordkvelle, & Heather Pleasants (Eds.), Digital Storytelling
in Higher Education (pp. 225-243). Palgrave Macmillan.

Leavy, P. (2011). Oral History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lénárd, K. (2008). Szülői elbeszélés és korai interakció. In Vincze Orsolya,
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Levine, A. (2013). ds106: Not a Course, Not Like Any MOOC. EDUCAUSE
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Lévi-Strauss, C. (1955). Ihe Structure of Myth. Journal of American Folklore,
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Lewis, K. & Matthews, N. (2017). The Afterlife of Capture Wales: Digital
Stories and Their Listening Publics. In Mark Dunford, & Tricia Jenkins
(Eds.), Digital Storytelling: Form and Content (pp. 103-118). Palgrave

Lindveg, I. K. (2017). Building Bridges: Digital Storytelling as a Participatory
Research Approach. In Grete Jamissen, Pip Hardy, Yngve Nordkvelle, &
Heather Pleasants (Eds.), Digital Storytelling in Higher Education (pp.
131-148). Palgrave Macmillan.

Lund, N. E, Cohen, S. A., & Scarles, C. (2018). The power of social media
storytelling in destination branding. Journal of Destination Marketing &
Management, 8(1), 271-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2017.05.003

Maddin, E. (2011). Using TPCK with digital story storytelling to investigate
contemporary issues in educational technology. Journal of Instructional
Pedagogies, 7, 1-12.

Malita, L. & Martin, C. (2010). Digital storytelling as web passport to success
in the 21st century. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 3060¬
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Matos, A., Rocha, T., Cabral, L., & Bessa, M. (2015). Multi-sensory Storytelling
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Matthews, N., & Sunderland, N. (2013). Digital Life-Story Narratives as Data
for Policy Makers and Practitioners: Thinking Through Methodologies
for Large-Scale Multimedia Qualitative Datasets. Journal of Broadcasting
& Electronic Media, 57(1), 97-114. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.