emoticon (med): an emoji representing the emotions and cultural codes of
the human face (e.g., the smiley face)
empiricism (phil): the dominant epistemological movement of the 17th
century which focused on empirical knowledge
ergodic literature (lit, med): a narrative that takes its final form after active
intervention by the user (e.g., narrative video games)
fabula (lit, film, narr): story; the sequence of events narrated in a temporal
and causal context
fake news (med): a text which is similar in form to news but which contains
misleading information
flashback (narr): recalling events that happened at a previous point in the plot
flashforward (narr): the evocation of a later event at some point in the plot
forum theater (ant, ped): a community theater performance about social
dilemmas in which the audience is actively involved in the plot
franchise system (med): a business brand model protected by a patent
or trademark, which provides uniform operation and image for all its
gatekeepers (med): filterers of mass media content, typically editors
gif (inf, med): an animated small image
grounded theory (ant): a qualitative research method in which the researcher
carries out sampling, data collection and analysis in a systematic step-by¬
step and parallel manner and develops a theory based on the partial results.
hashtag (inf, med): can be used to thematically organize and index content
shared on Web 2.0 platforms
hermeneutic circle: a scientific approach based on the unity of the
interpretation of the part and the whole
high-concept series (film, med): a series with a complex narrative created with
the help of a creative team, directors and actors, such as The Handmaid's
homo narrans (narr): the storytelling human
hyperlink (inf): a link to external content that deepens the meaning of a text
hypertext (inf, med): text that appears in a digital environment which is
hyperlinked to external but relevant content and is therefore networked
immersion (psych, med, film): a subjective experience in which the recipient
is completely immersed in the plot (see also narrative transport)
immersive storytelling (inf, med): the addition of VR or AR technology to
storytelling in physical space
indexing (inf): content tagging based on common property; a Web 2.0 form
of content organization
influencer (med): voluntary content producer with followers on Web 2.0
infographics (inf): a term derived from the merging of the words information
and graphics which refers to an illustration produced in a graphically
sophisticated form using pictorial and textual information