(ant) anthropology, (film) film theory, (hist) history, (inf) informatics, (lit)
literature theory, (med) media theory, (narr) narratology, (ped) pedagogy,
(phil) philosophy, (psych) psychology
#me too movement (med): public testimonies of people who have typically
suffered sexual harassment
adaptation (film, narr): application to another medium
affective (psych): related to emotions, feelings
agency (psych): a sense of one’s ability to act effectively
anime (film): cartoons based on Japanese manga
AR (inf): augmented reality
artifact: a work of art
artificial intelligence (inf, med): technology that can perform complex
operations through adaptive learning, such as chatbots, facial recognition
systems, translation software
assertive (psych): argumentative but not offensive to others
attachment (psych): the mother-child bond that develops after birth and
during infancy
authoring tool (inf): software that supports the spatial representation of the
branching structure of interactive narratives, such as Storyspace or Twine
big data (inf): the vast amount of data that has accumulated and become
accessible since the digital revolution, consisting of many different types
of elements which are processed rapidly in an algorithmic way
blog (med): a term created by merging the words web and log (weblog) and
then shortening them to blog; a diary that allows users to communicate
their opinions and creative products publicly; there are also thematic
versions; an example of an open source blogging platform is Blogger
bot (inf, med): abbreviation of the word robot; software that performs
automatic tasks using algorithms
Budapest School (film): a movement of documentary fiction filmmakers
that started at the Béla Balazs Studio in Budapest in the 1970s