OCR Output

Part IV. Storytelling and Learning in the 21" Century ] 145


Digital narrative creation in integrated learning environments can be captured
in a complex way using the SAMR and PICRAT models. The SAMR model
describes the different levels of technology integration (Puentedura, 2006).
Digital tools can be used to substitute or augment a physical tool and can be
used to modify or redefine the learning and teaching process. Toth-Mozer and
Misley (2019) illustrated the four levels through tasks related to a compulsory
school reading, Egri csillagok (The Stars of Eger) (Figure 17).

What characterizes the historical era of the novel? Together, create an online mind map,
Redefinition organizing the most important features and events ofthe era, and connecting them with the
content elements of the novel, Use text, image and video elements as well, then present them

Tech allows for the creation of new tasks, previo yinconcemable


Gather the multimedia content related to the book into a Google document. Based on these,
characterize a character and make a presentation about it.

M Tech allows f ignificant task redesigr


Use online resources, and visit historical pages, in addition to what you read in the book. Make
a ppt presentation of the book involving the new content.

Tech acts as à direct tool substitute, with functional improvement


Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change

Figure 17. The processing of Géza Gardonyi’s The Stars of Eger based on the SAMR
model (according to Töth-Mözer & Misley, 2019, p. 156)

The figure shows that at the level of substitution, the same text only appears
as cross-media content on a different platform. In the augmentation, the
student is active but could just as easily create a summary of the content in a
notebook as he or she could with a digital tool. A higher level of online source
research and organization of the novel is achieved by modification, a process
in which students reconstruct the story using multiple media. At the level of
reinterpretation, the students create a digital narrative with their peers which
also constitutes a group interpretation. In higher education, the model is
interpreted at the level of substitution and augmentation, where the instructor
places a video recording of his or her lecture and the associated assignments in
the university’s LMS - in this case, the integration of technology replaces the
physical medium and allows for easier access and interpretation. A significant
improvement in the quality of the assignments can be achieved at the level of