OCR Output

Part III. Digital Media and Storytelling in Research ] 89

borderline patients. The submodules of larger modules can be linked together
to form so-called hypermodules, which can act as relational cues to modify
the psychothematic modules. The relational modules include denial, peer
references and thematic roles (Ehmann, Csertö, Ferenczhalmy, Fülöp, Hargitai,
Kövägö, Pölya Tibor, Szalai, Vincze & Läszlö, 2014).

Content analysis of autobiographical narratives from psychological and
linguistic points of view was used to determine therapeutic progression in
the 1990s for the first time. The aim of the study was to explore how language
usage predicts the recovery of addicts (n = 16). Through a mathematical¬
statistical analysis of the narrative categories and evaluative codes of the
autobiographical texts, it was possible to identify common traits in the texts
of those who successfully overcame their addictions. These individuals used
linguistic elements in their texts to express the importance of their individual
development in either a positive interpretive or negative reactive style. It was
also typical that they were less critical of themselves over time or, if they were
critical of themselves, they expressed positive thoughts about the treatment
program which they were undergoing (Stephenson, Laszlo. Enmann, Lefever
& Lefever, 1997).

Narrative psychology examines subjective experiences in narratives. Events,
circumstances, and characters in narratives are always presented from some
point of view. One component of analysis in narrative psychology is the
psychological perspective, which gives insight into the emotional world,
behavior, and thoughts of the characters in the story. The other component
is the spatio-temporal perspective, which examines the spatial and temporal
relationships between the narrator and the narrative. At the same time, the
narratives also include the narrator’s evaluation, which is influenced by his
or her own goals, emotions and opinions (Tibor Pólya, 2008).

The narrator's spatio-temporal perspective — the meta-reflexivity to ones
own narrative - can be measured through the verb tenses which are used.
In identity stories, the degree of success in terms of coping with stigmatizing
situations as well as the narrator's identity status can also be measured through
tense usage. Tibor Pólya (2007) identified the narrator’s male and female
identity states from the life stories of 20 homosexual men and 20 women
who had undergone artificial insemination. The men told their coming
out stories, while the women narrated the process of insemination, both
representing situations that conflict with social and individual constructions
of gender identity.

Through narrative psychological content analysis, the researcher is able to
gain insight into the different psychological states of the narrator by analyzing
linguistic forms and text structures. In this sense, psychopathological
phenomena and psychological disorders can also be captured in autobiographic
narratives (Poharnok, 2008). Typical examples are reflections from
psychotherapy or texts from targeted interviews. For measuring the impact
of therapy sessions for mothers raising their children in prison, texts were