OCR Output

Part II. Storytelling in the Information Age [ 77

Explore data External factors Director & producer
Data collector Data analyst
Ethics Time
Raw Data Data Excerpts 6 22 4
Target audience,
Legal Cost
Collect & clean Analyze & extract
/ Medium
Make logical ff
Seek data connections „/
‘ l
Scripter Editor Presenter & audience
rm ee input
Story pieces Plot ET Story material ei» Shared story }- = Perceiv 3 story
Build Share szo —
sa presentation story 228
Order story pieces to input
Make a story Tell a story

Figure 6. The storytelling process from the story idea to visually shared stories.
(Chevalier et al, 2018, p. 157)

The cardinal question of presentation is how to highlight essential components,
which involves knowing where to place them and what color and form to use
to emphasize them. In addition to the people responsible for data retrieval,
analysis, editing, verbal and visual presentation, the process also requires
computer programmers who are skilled in digitalization. From the first step
of the process to the last, the needs of the target group and the ethical and
legal communication of data must be kept in mind.

The complexity of the DDS-process requires quality control. It is important
to check whether the software environment for creating the data-driven
story is suitable for visualization and whether the visual narrative produced
and presented communicates the context in a comprehensible way. The
effectiveness of the data-driven narrative can be measured by questioning,
recall testing and physical tests (e.g., eye movement tracking, pupil dilation,
or measurements of breathing) as well as by quantitative analysis of logged
page data (e.g., number of visits, likes, follows, and shares) and qualitative
analysis of comments (Amini, Brehmer, Bolduan, Elmer & Wiederkehr, 2018).

Key principles from research and journalism should also be taken into
account. One of these principles is that visualization should aim to present
a phenomenon in a multidimensional way. Another is that the context of the
data should be presented in a way that is easy to follow. In addition, it is also
advised to avoid presenting misleading data in the process of data cleansing
and when highlighting certain visuals, and to preserve the anonymity of the
data providers in the case of sensitive content (Diakopoulos, 2018).

Interactive and responsive DDS has also recently been referred to as Digital
Scrollytelling. The term is a combination of the terms Digital Storytelling