OCR Output

70 I Digital Media and Storytelling in Higher Education

finds the environment aesthetically pleasing. The dramaturgy and narrative
branching system of the game are also particularly important, and the themes
need to be variable, novel and relevant. A well-constructed dramaturgy keeps
the interactor’s curiosity alive, and the way the game ends and the suspense
elements it contains contribute significantly to this. Interactor engagement is
also highly influenced by rewards, which are appropriate if the interactor feels
that the efforts expended have been worthwhile and that his or her skills and
abilities have improved during the game. Research also shows that interactors
are most motivated by rewards related to completion, achievement, or progress.

The study of IDNs is still an emerging field. Koenitz and Palosaari Elohari
(2019) identify five problem areas for research on IDNs, including a lack of
agreed-upon methods of analysis, a Babylonian confusion of terminology,
and a type of amnesia, or lack of recollection of past experiences. Although
the British Library has already begun archiving web interfaces’, the archiving
of IDNs is still a work in progress. Koenitz and Palosaari Elohari see the
rapidly changing technological environment, as the most problematic aspect
of IDN research. Learning to use newer and newer tools and platforms makes
the creation and reception of interactive stories difficult. The technological
architecture of each device is different, often leading to incompatibilities and
a narrow range of users who are actually able to use newer technologies. To
improve the field, formats need to be adapted which are more practical and
easy to distribute.


Data visualization as a research and development field appeared at the
turn of the millennium with the rise of digitalization, the Internet, and
mobile technology. The logged data of users’ online activities has provided
useful information for the design of innovations in technology, business, or
medicine, as well as the preparation of cultural-political actions. The era of
Big Data has brought access to large data sets generated from online activities.
Data management is carried out using artificial intelligence algorithms and
the work of data scientists. Huge data sets, even from multiple sources, also
enable the exploration of complex relationships, which require a change in
perspective for data visualization.

Software companies have adapted to the content consumption habits
of their target audiences, and also to the media environment of our time.
Research results, previously presented linearly with slide shows (e.g., Microsoft
Power Point presentations), have been complemented by new applications
that allow for non-linear reception. One group includes applications that

8 https://www.webarchive.org.uk/en/ukwa/collection