OCR Output


Central And Local Authorities In Spain (1939-1958)”, en Baruch, Marc
Olivier: Faire Des Choix? Les fonctionnaires dans l’Europe des dictatures,
1933-1948, EHESS-Conseil d’Etat, 2014, 169-187.


Historian. Doctor (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and PhD
candidate City University of New York). Professor of the History Department
of San Marcos University. Specializing in the history of Colonial and
Republican Peru (XVI-XIX). Among his recent publications: “El Diario
erudito de Jaime Bausate y Mesa. Asumir una patria ajena, crear una naciön
para otros.” In Catherine Poupeney-Hart et al. (eds.), Ilustrar la naciön. La
prensa temprana en el mundo atläntico, Paris, Editions Le Manuscrit, 2014;
De la patria a la naciön. Historiografia peruana desde Garcilaso hasta la era
del guano, Lima, ANR, 2012.


Andrea Schmidt PhD Hab., is an Asssociate Professor at the University of Pecs,
Department of Political Science and International Studies. She holds a dual
MA from the Central European University, Budapest and the New York State
University, Albany. She specializes in the International Political Economy and
Comparative Political Studies of the Central and Eastern European region.

SEMSEY, Viktoria

Associate Professor, Institute of History, Department of Modern and
Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities, Karoli Gaspar University of
the Reformed Church in Hungary (Budapest).

Research fields: History of Policy, Political Ideas and Culture in Spain and
Latin America in the 19" century


Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of History and Editor
of LaPunkt.ro. Studied at the University of Bucharest, Central European
University, Budapest and Lincoln College, Oxford. Research focus: theory of
history, cultural and intellectual history of communist and post-communist

M. SzABó, Alexandra

Born in Germany, she was raised in the US and Hungary. She graduated from
PPKE and ELTE. She realized her research studies at the Central European
University (History/Jewish Studies) and is currently working as a literary
historian in the cultural inheritance of Béla Vihar.

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