OCR Output


currently the PI of the ERC Consolidator project: Negotiating post-imperial
transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative
study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central


Tibor Gintli is an associate professor and the head of both the Institute of
Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies and the Department of Modern
Hungarian Literature at ELTE University, Budapest. His main field of
research covers Hungarian Literature of the first half of the 20" century and
the poetics of prose. He is the author and co-author of several comprehensive
works about literary history (Az irodalom rövid története I, A kezdetektől
a romantikáig [A short history of literature I, From the beginnings to
romanticism] 2003; Az irodalom rövid története II, A realizmustól máig [A
short history of literature II, From realism to the present day] 2007; Magyar
irodalom [Hungarian literature] 2010). He is also the author of a monograph
on Gyula Krtidy’s fiction (“Valaki van, aki nincs.” Személyiségelbeszélés és
identitás Krúdy Gyula regényeiben ["Ihere is someone who does not exist."
Personality narration and identity in Gyula Krüdy’s novels] 2005) and a
collected studies Irodalmi kalandtúra, Válogatott tanulmányok [Literary
Adventures, Selected studies] 2013.


Elda Evangelina González Martínez received her doctorate in History
from the Complutense University of Madrid and her doctorate in Cultural
Anthropology from the University of Uppsala in Sweden. She is a research
professor at the History Institute of the Center of Human and Social Sciences
at the Spanish National Research Council. At present, she coordinates the
American Studies Group: Population, Citizenship, and Justice.

She has published more than a dozen books on the subject of migration, among
them: La inmigracion esperada. La politica migratoria brasileia de Joao VI
hasta Getilio Vargas (Madrid, CSIC, 2003), Migraciones Internacionales.
(Madrid, Dastin Ediciones, 2006), Historias de acd. Trayectoria migratoria de
los argentinos en Espana (in collaboration with Asuncién Merino Hernando,
Madrid, CSIC, 2008), Hiszpania-Polska. Spotkania (in collaboration with Dr.
Margorzata Nalewajko, Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Neriton/Instytut Historii
PAN, 2003), and numerous articles and book chapters


A career diplomat since 1985, he accomplished numerous missions abroad
and was several times stationed in Germany (Bonn, Diisseldorf and Berlin).
He is specialized in international security, culture and the German speaking

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