“EL MODELO DE INDUSTRIALIZACION POR SUSTITUCION DE IMPORTACIONES”, MOTOR DE LA MODERNIZACION POLITICO-SOCIAL EN AMERICA LATINA Y DEL SURGIMIENTO DE UNA IDENTIDAD NACIONAL dos —— MARIA ELISA ALONSO ABSTRACT This article casts light on the fact that the economic changes which were implemented in Latin America from the 1930s in order to emerge from the crisis invigorated the political sphere, generating at the same time a modernisation process both politically and socially all over the continent. In this transformation, the irruption of the urban proletariat was a determining factor, which altered the system of socio-political relations forever. These measures boosted a process of socio-political modernity focused on a nationalism that reached all areas of life in the countries. The important thing is to show that this nationalism shifted away from the European cultural tradition and allowed Latin America to discover its own identity which revalued what is Latin American. Keywords: Latin America, modernization, industrialization, nacionalism. RESUMEN El siguiente artculo es una reflexién sobre los cambios econémicos que se implementaron en América Ltina para salir de la crisis, a partir de los anos ’30. Estas transformaciones econdmicas incentivadas por los propios Estados, influyeron de manera determinante en el dmbito poltico de la region y generaron un proceso de modernizacion sociopolitica en todo el continente. Dicha modernizaciôn impuls6 a su vez entre otros aspectos, un nacionalismo + 49 +