OCR Output


CsaBa Dupcsik: The National Idea as an Integration Ideology.

Hungarian Dilemmas from the Last Third of 18 Century to 1918..... 121
HrvojE VOLNER: Nationalism, Modernization and Society in

Croatian Long Century ............................. 135
VICTOR NEUMANN: The German Language Press in Temeswarer Banat

and the Habsburg’s Ideologies ......................... 149
ISTVÁN BOBAY: Some Questions About the Recruitment of Hungarian

Soldiers in the Army of Maximilian Hapsburg the Emperor of Mexico . . 173
VIKTÖRIA SEMSEY: The Republic: the Spanish Case in the Process

of Political Modernization in Hungary, 1867-1873.............. 187
BELA MAKKalI: Changes in National Self-Image and the Image of

Neighbourhood of Expatriate Hungarians in the Romanian Old Kingdom . . 201
Axos KArsin: How could the Interest of the Hungarian Economy Succeed

in the 1891 Austro-Hungarian-German Trade Treaty? ........... 221
PETRA BALATON: The Role of the Hungarian Government in the

Development of Peripheries in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Focusing the Policy of the Ministry of Agriculure (1897-1914) . . . .... 241
GÁBOR EGRY: The Strangers Within. National Identity, Everyday Encounters

and Regionalism in Transylvania 1918-1944 ................. 255
ANDREA SCHMIDT: Re-Drawn Borders — Redrawn Identities?

Visions on the New Polish State and the Question of National Identity

in the Interwar Poland ............................. 279
DÂvip Koväcs: The Use and the Abuse of the “National Turn”
of the Hungarian Communist (1936-1939) .................. 295



TomAs ABRAHAM: Composition of an Identity. Autobiographical Analysis.

Figurative Synthesis of a Jewish Person: Romania the Nation;

Hungary the Language; France the Culture; Argentina the Home ..... 307
ELDA GONZALEZ MARTINEZ: Brazilian Immigration Policy from the

1930s Onward: The Nationalization Campaign and the Construction

of a National Identity .............................. 317
IZASKUN ALVAREZ CUARTERO: Historia, modernizacién e identidaden Cuba. . 331
SEBASTIAN HERNANDEZ TOLEDO: La construccién de la “raza chilena”.

Nación e identidad nacional en la Generacién del Centenario (1904-1918) . . 349