OCR Output


where the content can be viewed using a smart phone, tablet or augmented
reality (AR) headset.” The crucial first experiment now has its own archive of
influences: flowing from Beckett’s stream, but also widening it.


BECKETT, Samuel: The Letters of Samuel Beckett, 1957-1965, Vol. 3, George
Craig — Martha Dow Fehsenfeld — Dan Gunn — Lois More Overbeck (eds.),
Cambridge, Cambridge University, 2014.

BENJAMIN, Walter: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,
in H. Arendt (ed.) and H. Zohn (trans.): /lluminations, New York, Schocken,
2007 [1955], 217-251.

CADENA, Richard: Automated Lighting: The Art and Science of Moving Light
in Theatre, Live Performance, and Entertainment, 2” edition, Burlington,
MA, Focal, 2013.

KNOWLSON, James — PILLING, John: Frescoes ofthe Skull: The Later Prose and
Drama ofSamuel Beckett, London, John Calder, 1979

O’DwYer, Neill: Death and Ecstasy: Reflections on a Technological Sublime,
Proceedings of the European Society of Aesthetics 8 (2016), 354-376.

O’Dwyer, Néill — JoHNsoN, Nicholas: Exploring Volumetric Video and
Narrative through Samuel Beckett’s Play, International Journal of
Performance Arts and Digital Media, Vol. 15, No.1 (2019), 53-69.

17 This version launched in September 2019 in a partnership with Volograms, a Dublin-based
spin-out from the V-SENSE research group that works in volumetric video.