OCR Output

X. Glossary of terms | 173

Indiginae - a classification (Tischler 1947, 1950) of structural elements of a
spatially defined zoocoenosis, comprising corrumpents, obstants and
intercalary elements

Intercalary - structural element of a biocoenosis; plants or animals that use
non-living organic materials

Konnexus - the fauna of a small single environment, Balogh’s category for
synusium and faunula

Lignosa — from Riibel’s (1930) formation types; a ‘woody’ habitat with trees

Merocoenosis - a grouping of animals living on plant parts (Schwenke 1953

Merotope -— a structural part of the biotope (Schwenke 1953)

Mezochron - relating to season-dependent change (aspect) in an animal
community where a sub-permanent population remains active during
a long part of the vegetation period, although not the complete dura¬
tion (Balogh 1953)

Microbiocoenosis - a division of a biotope containing a special association
of species that is part of the overall biocoenosis

Mobilideserta — from Riibel’s (1930) desert formation types; ‘moving deserts,
refers to vegetation of dunes and unstable soils

Obstant - zoophagous populations that are structural elements of the zoo¬
coenosis, may be directly predatory or parasitic on herbivores and/or
their episites and hyperparasites

Oecotope - a term for part of the biotope (Vite 1951) referring to the area
used, daily, by a semaphoront, syn. oecus

Oecus (plural oecuses) — from Greek ‘oikos’; the location where an organism

Ontogenetic - the entire course of an individual’s development and life his¬

Ontopopulation - an aspect-related phase of a population that can endure
conditions in different biotopes at different times

Ontostadium - period of activity of a life stage of an organism related to a
temporal aspect

Peregrinant - lit. ‘wanderer’, a ‘tourist’ in current ecology; transient struc¬
tural elements of the animal assemblage in a zoocoenosis, having no
relationship with other association members

Physiognomic - the overall size and shape of an organism. Descriptions such
as ‘trees, ‘shrubs; and ‘herbs’ are frequently used for plants

Physiography - relating to the physical geography that affects a zoocoenosis

Phytocoenology - the study of plant associations

Phytocoenosis (pl. phytocoenoses) the whole body of plants occupying a
specific habitat; a plant association/community

Plant sociology — the study of plant associations

Presocium -— higher level category of spatial association comprising animal
populations that use energy sources from more than one catenarium