170 | X. Glossary of terms Associon - plant sociological term (Balogh 1953) that mirrors a zoocoenological category Autecology - ecology of an individual species as opposed to communities (see synecology) Autochthonous - describing an organism that is native to the place in which it is found. Autogenous — a process, or plant succession, produced independently of external influence or aid Biochor - used by Tischler (1947, 1950) for a microhabitat but also for a unit greater in size than a biotope by Hesse (1924) Biochorion - a microhabitat Biocoen - the living components of an ecosystem and/or biocoenosis Biocoenoid - relating to landscapes under human influence Biocoenosis (plural biocoenoses) - all the living organisms that form a community (plants, animals, etc.) living in a specific place at a certain time. It represents more than just the list of animals in a certain plant association, rather the interrelationships that bind the assemblage together Biogeocoenosis - a concept above the biocoenosis that also includes all the effective abiotic factors that influence it, and are responsible for its appearance Biogenetics - from biogenesis, the theory that all living organisms arise from pre-existing life forms Biome — biogeographical term for a major regional ecological complex of communities (plant and animal) over large natural vegetation and climatic areas Bionomics - the study of the mode of life of organisms in their natural habitat and their adaptations to their surroundings; syn. life history Biontodynamics - an individual that provides material for functional studies Biontogeography - the spatial distribution of the semaphoront in a biological system Bio-ontology - comprises the combination of individual- and community-level organismal studies Biontostatics - comprising the promorphology, eidonomy and anatomy of an organism Bioregion - alternative descriptor for a zoon (Tischler 1947, 1950); a higher unit of biotope characterised by its faunal assemblage Bioroph - a vertical division of the biotope (Thalenhorst 1950, 1951), equivalent ofa stratum (Tischler 1947, 1950) Biotope - alocation (of undefined extent) that has a necessary set of environmental conditions that provides a place to live for a certain species or higher category of living organism Catena (plural catenae) - a trophic chain, the basic unit ofa zoocoenosis defined by trophic association. It can comprise monophagous corrumpent,