OCR Output


Abiocoen - the non-living components of an environment, such as water,
soil, air, etc.

Aciculilignosa - from Rübel’s (1930) formation types. Lignosa = woody for¬
mation; aciculilignosa comprises aciculilisilvae (needle-leaved or co¬
niferous forest) & aciculifruticeta (needle-leaved scrub)

Acoen - sub-categorisation (of eucoen) of animal association sharing the
same space (Tischler 1947, 1950)

Aestifruiticeta - from Rübel’s (1930) formation types; aestifruticeta (sum¬
mergreen scrub), a plant association within the aestilignosa woody for¬

Aestilignosa - from Rübel’s formation types; comprises aestifruticeta (sum¬
mergreen scrub) and aestisilvae (summergreen deciduous forest)

Agrilignosa - an agricultural woody formation (e.g. fruit orchard)

Agrobiocoenosis - acommunity of organisms that live on agricultural land

Agrobiotope - an agricultural habitat

Agrozoocoenology - study of the zoocoenoses of agricultural settings

Alieni - (= “foreigners”) from Tischler’s (1947, 1950) classification; a sub¬
group of peregrinant (wandering, dispersing) organisms in a spatially
delimited zoocoenosis arriving from distant locations (see vicini)

Allogeneic - plant succession under external factors

Altherbosa - from Rübel’s (1930) formation types. Tall herbage or forbland
- from herbosa (herbaceous formations), also including duriherbosa
(hardgrass prairie & steppe) and sempervirentiherbosa (evergreen
grassland or meadow)

Arvideserta — lit. ‘homogeneous cultivated field: Sod (1945); vegetation of
cultivated areas where all forbs and herbs are of a singles species

Aspect — season-dependent community, returning periodically

Associatio - term (Deegener 1918) for a social animal association where
individuals do not have ethological links with other semaphoront

Association - plant sociological term (Balogh 1953) that mirrors a zoocoe¬
nological category; vegetation unit that may be defined by more than
one dominant species in alayer