OCR Output

160 | VII. Agrobiocoenoses and their zoocoenoses


Note: items marked with a + sign indicate works which were not seen in the

Translator’s note: we adhered to the reference style of the original. The
changes with respect to the original include that Hungarian and Russian
titles were translated, and Hungarian publication names were not abbreviated.

Allee, W. C., Emerson, A. E., Park, O., Park, Th. & Schmidt, K. P. (1949):
Principles of Animal Ecology. - Philadelphia~London 837 pp.

Bachmann, H. (1910): „Burgunderblut” im Rotsee. - Naturwissenschaftliche
Wochenschr. N. F. 9: p. 602-604.

Balogh J. (1946): Az életközösségek szerkezete. (Ihe structure of living
communities) - Állattani Közlemények. XLIII. p. 1-14.

Balogh J. (1953): A zoocönológia alapjai. (Ihe foundations of zoocoenology)
- Budapest, 248 pp.

Balogh, J. & Loksa, I. (1948): Arthropod cenosis of the litter stratum of an
oak forest. - Arch. Biol. Hung. 3. I. XVII. p. 264-279.

Balogh, J. & Loksa I. (1948): Quantitativ-biosoziologische Untersuchungen
der Arthropodenwelt ungarischer Sandgebiete. - Arch. Biol. Hung. 3.
II. XVIII. p. 65-100.

Balogh, J. & Loksa I. (1956): Untersuchungen über die Zoozönose des
Luzernenfeldes. - Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. II. p. 17-114.

Bej-Bienko, G. J. (1954): Nekotorüe problemü entomolgii v szvjezi sz zadacsej
podnjatija produktivnosti szel’szkovo chozjajsztva. (Some entomological
problems in relation to agricultural productivity) - Zool. Zsurn. XXXII.
p. 961-970.

Bej-Bienko, G. J., Shtschegolev, V. N., Bogdanov-Kat’kov, N. N., Falkenstein,
B. J. & Csigarev. O. A. (1949): Szel’szkochozjaijsztvennaja entomolgija.
(Agricultural entomology) - Moscow- Leningrad, 764 pp.

Bej-Bienko, G. J. & Mishtshenko, L. L. (1951): Szarancseviie faunti SSSR i
sopredelnüch stran. - Opred. po faune SSSR. Izd. Zool. Inst. Akad.
Nauk. nr. 38, 378 pp.

+ Beklemisev, V. N. (1931): Osznoviie ponjatija biocenologii o primenenije
k zsivotnüm komponentam nazemnüch szoobacsesztv. (Fundamentals
ofbiocenology with applicaiton to the animal components of terrestrial
communities) - Trudü po zascs. raszt. I. no. 2.

Bertalanffy, L. (1949): Zu einer allgemeinen Systemlehre. - Biol. Gen. XIX.
p. 119-129.

Bischoff, H. (1927): Biologie der Hymenopteren. Berlin, 598 pp.

+ Bronn, H. G. (1843): Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur. Bd. II.

+ Brundin, L. (1934): Die Koleopteren des Torneträskgebietes. Lund, 436 pp.

+ Cajander, A. K. (1909): Über Waldtypen. - Acta Forest Fennica, I. 175 pp.

Chapman, R. N. (1931): Animal Ecology. New York-London, 464 pp.