OCR Output

148 IVII. Zoocoenological characteristics

Plate III. The structure of the catenarium Ceutorrhynchiarium
maculae-albae (Nagykovacsi, 1954).

presocium presocium
(Euonymus) A "e 4
Stenocarus : \ "e ra
ruf. (fulig.) © x CO
\ x .
Episyrphus \ Apis mellifera
(Epistrophe) balteatus \ Halictus sp.
\ maculaalba
À | \ (C. macula-alba)
y rufip.
À. (Doralis) fabae \ Dasyneura papaveris

Aphidius Pachyn Bassus Conost | Bracon Chelonella Pseudotorymus
sp. form. 6-not. syr. 1 sp. Sp. papaveris
“ . e. ra 1 . : ra

Ar» Vines
presocium? presocium?
————————— corrumpent

ecccccccccce Sustinent
——— (Sidi

== = = mm intercalarient

The values in Plate II refer to 1811 plant individuals. Some extrapolation was
unavoidable, and our distrust towards such manipulations have been expressed
earlier. We have to emphasise that the numbers presented are only of theoretical
value, and the actual census numbers were modified, only to improve
understanding. Our standpoint is unchanged: the size of the censused area
must be identical for every population. There remain differences, following
from the methodology that cannot be eliminated. The flower-visiting
sustinents, for example, are impossible to census using the same method as