OCR Output


Oberth J. - Sógorka I. (szerk.): Droghasználó várandós nők és gyermekeik ellátása.
Budapest, Magyar Emberi Jogvédő Központ Alapítvány. 27-46.

Gossop, M. (2000). Living with drugs. (5. ed.) Sydney, Australia: Ashgate Publishing.

Graham, K. - Braun, K. (1999). Concordance of use of alcohol and other substances
among older adult couples. Addict Behav., 24, 839-56.

Greaves, L. - Poole, N. (2004). Victimized or validated? Responses to substance-us¬
ing pregnant women. Canadian woman studies, 24 (1), 87-92.

Greenfield, S. F. - Back, S. E. - Lawson, K. - Brady, K. T. (2010). Substance abuse in
women. Psychiatric Clinics, 33 (2), 339-355.

Grella, C. E. (2008). From generic to gender-responsive treatment: Changes in social
policies, treatment services, and outcomes of women in substance abuse treat¬
ment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 40 (sup5), 327-343.

Grella, C. E. - Scott, C. K. - Foss, M. A. - Dennis, M. L. (2008). Gender similarities
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32 (1), 113-137.

Grella, C.E. (2018). What do women with substance use disorder want? Commen¬
tary to: Neale, J. - Tompkins, C. N. - Marshall, A. D. - Treloar, C. - Strang, J.
Do women with complex alcohol and other drug use histories want women-only
residential treatment? Addiction, 113 (6), 1000-1001.

Griffiths, P. E. (1997). What Emotions Really Are: The Problem of Psychological Cate¬
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Gyarmathy, V. A. - Giraudon, I. - Hedrich, D. - Montanari, L. - Guarita, B. - Wiess¬
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Study. British Journal of Addiction, 84 (7), 767-775.

Harding, S. - Figueroa, R. (2003). Introduction. In: Harding, S. - Figueroa, R. (eds.),
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Harris, M. - Fallot, R. (eds.) (2001). Using Trauma Theory to Design Service Systems.
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Harrop, E. N. - Marlatt, G. A. (2010). The comorbidity of substance use disorders
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Behaviors, 35 (5), 392-398.