OCR Output


Erikson, E. (2002). Az emberi fejlődés nyolc szakasza. Budapest, Osiris Kiadó.

ESPAD Group (2016), ESPAD Report 2015: Results from the European School Survey
Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, Publications Office of the European Union,

Ettore, E. (2018) commentaries on Neale, J. - Tompkins, C. N. - Marshall, A. D. ¬
Treloar, C. - Strang, J. (2018). Do women with complex alcohol and other drug
use histories want women-only residential treatment? Addiction, 113 (6), 989-997.

Ettorre, E. (1992). Women and substance use. Houndsmill: Macmillan.

Ettorre, E. (2004): Revisioning women and drug use: Gender sensitivity, embodiment
and reducing harm. International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, 327-335.

Ettorre, E. - Miles, S. (2001). Young people, drug use and the consumption of health.
In Henderson, S. - Petersen, A. (eds.): Consuming Health: The commodification of
health care. Routledge, 173-187.

Ettorre, E. - Riska, E. (2001). Long-term users of psychotropic drugs: Embodying
masculinized stress and feminized nerves. Substance Use and Misuse, 36 (9),

Fallot, R. D. - Harris, M. (2001). A trauma-informed approach to screening and as¬
sessment. New Directions for Student Leadership, 89, 23-31.

Fallot, R. D. - Harris, M. (2002). The Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Mod¬
el (TREM): Conceptual and practical issues in a group intervention for women.
Community mental health journal, 38 (6), 475-485.

Fallot, R. D. - McHugo, G. J. - Harris, M. - Xie, H. (2011). The trauma recovery and
empowerment model: A quasi-experimental effectiveness study. Journal of Dual
Diagnosis, 7 (1-2), 74-89.

Fassinger, R.E. (2005). Paradigms, praxis, problems, and promise: Grounded theory
in counseling psychology research. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 156-166.

Fazel, S. - Bains, P. - Doll, H. (2006). ‘Substance abuse and dependence in prisoners:
a systematic review’. Addiction, 101, 181-191.

Finkelstein, N. B. - VandeMark, N. - Fallot, R. — Brown, V. - Cadiz, S. — Heck¬
man, J. (2004). Enhancing substance abuse recovery through integrated trauma
treatment. National Trauma Consortium for the Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment (CSAT). https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vivian_Brown2/publi¬
cation/264839544_ Enhancing _Substance_Abuse_Recovery_Through_Integrat¬

Finkelstein, N. B. (2011). Substance abuse treatment: addressing the specific needs of
women. Diane Publishing, 2011.

Fischer, G. - Ortner, R. - Rohrmeister, K. - Jagsch, R. - Baewert, A. - Langer, M.
and Aschauer, H. (2006), Methadone versus buprenorphine in pregnant addicts: a
double-blind, double-dummy comparison study. Addiction, 101 (2), 275-81.