OCR Output


approach of responsibility results in the formulation a new model of HEI mana¬
gement responsibility.

The book has three main chapters besides the preface and the summary. The
second part presents the legal background of managerial responsibility, touching
on its nature, and the history of higher education law, as well as introducing the
types of current regulation, with a short outlook at the international context. The
third part discusses the component of the university management's responsibility
in the different forms of (Hungarian) higher education institutions, as well as
the terminology of management, control and managers in general. It also confers
the types of university managers (i.e. rector, chancellor, and president) and the
university bodies. This part analyses the connections between the aforementioned
forms of responsibility (e.g, ethical leadership, ethics of leadership, liability) and the
Hungarian regulation of management and control at the universities. In discussing
the challenges of dual-management (i.e. rector and chancellor), the last chapter of
this part introduces the demands of professional responsibility. The fourth part
of the book considers the dilemmas of responsibility. It presents the problems
and questions of the current regulation (de lege lata) and proposes solutions to
them (de lege ferenda). The first dilemma is especially current: the connection
between autonomy and responsibility, the transformation of responsibility with
the ongoing reduction of autonomy (as well as academic freedom). The second
matter is the liability and professional responsibility of the rectors and chancellors
under current Hungarian law, complicated by the ambiguous and constantly
changing regulations, the dual managerial system, which stands on an uncertain
basis, and the relationship between these top managers. The third topic is the role
of university bodies in the responsibility of the management, the responsibility of
the members of these bodies, and the analysis of the special problems of the newer
type of bodies in Hungarian law, i.e. the consistory. Finally, the book investigates
the responsibility of students’ union officeholders, studying the nature of the
student's legal relationship by examining the regulation.

The book is useful not only for those interested in the operation of higher
education, but it can also serve as a starting point for further studies in the field
of law, for students, or even for educational, psychological as well as managerial
research. Also, it can be used as a curriculum in both legal training and university
training in the operation and management of (educational) organizations.