OCR Output


Paine, L., Aydarova, E. & Syahril, I. (2017): Globalization and Teacher Education. In:
Clandinin, D. J. & Husu, J. (eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Researh on Teacher Education,
Volume 2, 1133-1148.

Parpala, A., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., Komulainen, E., Litmanen, T., & Hirsto, L. (2010): Stu¬
dents’ approaches to learning and their experiences ofthe teaching-learning environment
in different disciplines. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80 (2): 269-282.

Pataki, F. (2001): Az öneletiräs „dramaturgiäja”: az €lettörteneti forgatökönyvek. In: U6.:
Elettérténet és identitds, Budapest: Osiris Kiadé, 309-359.

Patton, M. Q. (2002): Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. 3rd Edition, SAGE
Publication, CA.

Perlusz A. & Lukäcs I. (2017): Az oktatok tanuldsénak tamogatdsa az ELTE BGGykK-dn.
Felsőoktatás-menedzsment Műhely. ELTE PPK, 2017.12.07.

Pintrich, P. R. (2000): The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learning, In: Boekaerts,
M., Pintrich, P. R. & Zeidner, M. (eds.): Handbook of Self-Regulation, San Diego: Aca¬
demic Press, 451-502.

Polkinghorne, D. E. (1995): Narrative configuration in qualitative analysis. In: Hatch J. A.
(ed.): Life History and Narrative. London: Routledge Falmer, 5-23.

Polónyi, I. (2018): A hazai felsőoktatás felvételi tendenciái és hallgatólétszámának néhány
jellemzője. In: Kováts, G. & Temesi, J. (szerk.): A magyar felsőoktatás egy évtizede.
2008-2017. NFKK kötetek 2. Budapest Corvinus Egyetem Nemzetközi Felsőoktatási
Kutatäsok Központja, 111-129.

Poole, G. (2013): Square One: What is Research? In: McKinney, K. (ed.): The Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning in and across Disciplines.135-151.

Postareff, L., Katajavouri, N., Lindblom-Ylänne, S., & Trigwell, K. (2008): Consonance and
dissonance in descriptions ofteaching of university teachers. Studies in Higher Education,
33, 49-61.

Postareff, L., Lindblom-Ylanne, S. & Nevgi, A. (2007): The effect of pedagogical training
on teaching in higher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23 (5): 557-571. doi:

Postareff, L., Lindblom-Ylanne, S., & Nevgi, A. (2008): A Follow-up Study of the Effect of
Pedagogical Training on Teaching in Higher Education. Higher Education, 56 (1): 29-43.

Postareff, L. & Nevgi, A. (2015): Development paths of university teachers during a peda¬
gogical development course. Educar, 51 (1): 37-52.

Preitz, T. S. (2010): Learning outcomes: What are they? Who defines them? When and
where are they defined? Educational Assessment, Evaluation & Accountability, 22.

Prosser, M., K. Trigwell, & P. Taylor (1994): A phenomenographic study of academ¬
ics’ conceptions of science learning and teaching. Learning and Instruction. 4 (3):