OCR Output


Ashwin, P. g McVitty, D. (2015): Ihe Meanings of Student Engagement: Implications for
Policies and Practices. In: A. Curaj, L. Matei, R. Pricopie, J. Salmi & P. Scott (eds.) The
European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflection and Future Policies, Dord¬
recht: Springer, pp. 343-359.

Association of Institutional Research URL: airweb.org

Badia, A, Garcia, C. & Meneses, J. (2017): Approaches to teaching online: Exploring factors
influencing teachers in a fully online university. British Journal of Educational Technology,
48: (6): 1193-1207. doi:10.1111/bjet.12475.

Bandura, A. (1993): Perceived SelfEfficacy in Cognitive Development and Functioning.
Educational Psychologist, 28 (2): 117-148

Barab, S. (2006): Design-Based Research: A Methodological Toolkit for the Learning
Scientist. In: Sawyer, R. K. (szerk.): The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 153-170.

Becher, T. (1994): The significance of Disciplinary Differences. Studies in Higher Education,
19 (2): 151-161.

Beijaard, D., Meijer, P. C. & Verloop, N. (2004): Reconsidering research on teachers’ pro¬
fessional identity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20 (2): 107-128.

Bényei,J., Derényi, A., Pallag, A. & Schmidt, A. (2017): A tanitäs és tanulds eredményessége
a MOME-n. Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem.

Berács, J., Derényi, A., Kovats, G., Polönyi, I. & Temesi, J. (2015). Magyar felsőoktatás 2014.
Stratégiai belyzetértékelés. Nemzetközi Felsőoktatási Kutatások Központja, Budapest:
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.

Biggs, J.& Tang, C. (2003): Teaching for quality learning at university. Buckingham: Open
University Press/Society for Research into Higher Education. (Second edition)

Biglan, A. (1973): The characteristics of subject matter in different academic areas. Journal
of Applied Psychology, 57. 195-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0034701

Boekaerts, M. & Niemivirta, M. (2000): Self regulated learning: Finding a Balance between
Learning Goals and Ego-Protective Goals. In: Boekaerts, M., Pintrich, P. R. & Zeidner,
M. (eds.): Handbook of Self-Regulation, Academic Press, USA, 417-451.

Borg, M. (2001): Key concepts in ELT. Teachers’ beliefs. ELT Journal, 55 (2): 186-188. htt¬

Borko, H., Whitcomb, J. A. & Byrnes, K. (2008): Genres of research in Teacher Educa¬
tion. In: Cochran-Smith, M., Feiman-Nemser, S. & McIntyre, D. J. (eds.): Handbook
of Research on Teacher Education, Routledge — Taylor & Francis Group, Association of
Teacher Educators, New York, London, Third edition, 1017-1049.

Boud, D. & Brew, A. (2013): Reconceptualising academic work as professional practice:
implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development
18 (3): 208-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2012.671771

Boyer, E. R. (1990): Scholarship reconsidered. Priorities of the professoriate. The Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.