APPENDICES APPENDIX B QUESTIONNAIRES USED FOR DATA COLLECTION IN THE FIRST CYCLE (translated by the researcher from Hungarian) . Which sessions did you take part in? Tick the dates when you participated in the drama lesson: Date 1. Date2. Date 3. . How much did feel you could influence the story of the drama? Put an X at the number which shows how much you felt you could influence the story: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Could not influence it at all > Influenced it greatly . What was the most important moment for you in the series? . What did you enjoy the most in the series? This might be a specific moment from one of the lessons or it could be a general element of the drama lessons. . Was there anything that disturbed you in the lessons? If yes, what was it? This might be a specific moment from one of the lessons or it could be a general element of the drama lessons. . Would you want to take part in a similar drama lesson some other time? Circle the answer that shows your opinion: YES - NO . If you have anything else to share about the lessons, any thoughts or a message write it here: Ádám