Data Source
F_G1 Focus group interview in school G after The Children lesson 1,
6 participants, 12 November, 2015
F_G2 Focus group interview in school G after The Children lesson 2,
5 participants, 18'% November, 2015
F_G3 Focus group interview in school G after The Children lesson 3,
5 participants, 25" November, 2015
CTR G2 Class teachers reflection in school G after 7he Children, lesson 2,
174 November, 2015
SRD_G1 Self-reflective diary, written after first drama lesson in school G,
104 November, 2015
V2 G2 Video recording (part 2) of second drama lesson in school G,
174 November, 2015
F_F1 Focus group interview in school G after Out of Space lesson 1,
5 participants, 3" December, 2015
F_F2 Focus group interview in school G after Out of Space lesson 2,
6 participants, 9" December, 2015
F_F3 Focus group interview in school G after Out of Space lesson 3,
5 participants, 17 December, 2015
PRD Participant’s reflective diary in School F, participants could keep it
through the three weeks
RD FI Reflective diary, written after first drama lesson in school F,
1% December, 2015
RD_F3 Reflective diary, written after third drama lesson in school F,
14** December, 2015
F_D1 Focus group interview in school D after The Tribe lesson 1,