OCR Output


SEIDMAN, Irving: Az interjú mint kvalitatív kutatási módszer, Budapest,
Műszaki Könyvkiadó, 2002.

SENNETT, Richard: The Culture of New Capitalism, New Haven, Yale
University Press, 2006.

SHENTON, Andrew K.: Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative
research projects, Education for Information, vol. 22, 2004/1, 63-75.

SILVERMAN, David: Doing Qualitative Research, 2” edn., London, Sage, 2005.

Simpson, Mary — Tusson, Jennifer: Using Observations in Small-Scale
Research: A Beginner’s Guide, Edinburgh, The Scottish Council for
Research in Education, 1995.

SOMEKH, Bridget: Action Research: a Methodology for Change and
Development, Maidenhead, Open University Press, 2006.

SPENCER, Jenny S.: Dramatic Strategies in the plays of Edward Bond,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.

STANISLAVSKI, Constantin: Building a Character, London, Methuen, 1983.

STANISLAVSKI, Constantin: An Actor Prepares, London, Routledge, 1989.

STERN, Daniel N.: Diary of a Baby, New York, Basic Books, 1990.

STERN, Daniel N.: The Interpersonal World of the Infant, London, Karnac
Books, 1998.

TARSADALOMKUTATO Kft.: Magyar ifjúság kutatás 2016, Budapest,
Tärsadalomkutatö Kft., 2017. http://www.ujnemzedek.hu/sites/default/

TAYLOR, Philip: Power and Privilege: re-envisioning the qualitative research
lens, in Ackroyd, Judith (ed.): Research Methodologies for Drama Education,
Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books, 2006, 1-14.

TAYLOR, Philip —- WARNER, Christine D. (eds.): Structure and Spontaneity,
the Process Drama of Cecily O’Neill, Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books,

TRUSSLER, Simon: Edward Bond, Harlow, Longman House, 1976.

TUALLION, David: Edward Bond: The Playwright Speaks, London, Bloomsbury,

VARGA, Katalin — SUuHAI, Gábor: Szülés és születés: Lélektanon innen és túl,
Budapest, Pólya Kiadó, 2010.

WAGNER, Betty Jane: Dorothy Heathcote, Drama as a Learning Medium,
Reprint originally published in 1976, Cheltenham, Stanley Ihornes, 1990.

WIMPENNY, Katherine: Participatory action research: An integrated
approach towards practice development, in Savin-Baden, Maggi — Major,
Claire Howell (eds.): New Approaches to Oualitatíve Research: Wisdom
and Uncertainty, London, Routledge, 2010, 89—99.

WINSTON, Joe: Researching Ihrough Case Study, in Ackroyd, Judith (ed.):
Research Methodologies for Drama Education, Stoke on Trent, Trentham
Books, 2006, 41-62.