OCR Output


BOLTON, Gavin: Towards a theory of drama in education, London, Longman
Group, 1979.

BOLTON, Gavin: Drama as Education, Harlow, Longman House, 1984.

BOLTON, Gavin: New perspectives on classroom drama, Herts, Simon and
Schuster, 1992.

BOLTON, Gavin: Acting in classroom drama, American edn., Portland,
Calendar Island Publishers, 1999.

BOLTON, Gavin: Dorothy Heathcote’s story: biography of a remarkable drama
teacher, Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books, 2003.

BOLTON, Gavin: Process Drama, in Taylor, Philip - Warner, Christine (eds.):
Structure and Spontaneity, the Process Drama of Cecily O’Neill, Stoke on
Trent, Trentham Books, 2006, 41-50.

BOLTON, Gavin: It’s all theatre, in Davis, David (ed.): Gavin Bolton: Essential
Writings, Stoke on Trent, Trentham Books, 2010, 163-175.

BOND, Edward: Saved, in Plays: One, London, Eyre Methuen, 1977, 19-136.

BOND, Edward: Commentary on The War Plays, in The War Plays, Revised
edn., London, Methuen, 1991, 245-363.

BOND, Edward: Edward Bond Letters, Volume 1., Stuart, Ian (ed.), Camberwell,
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1994.

Bonp, Edward: Coffee, London, Bloomsbury, 1995.

BOND, Edward: Edward Bond Letters 3., Stuart, Ian (ed.) Amsterdam,
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1996.

Bonp, Edward: Eleven Vests, in Eleven Vests and Tuesday, London, Methuen,
1997, 1-34.

BonD, Edward: Our Story, in The Hidden Plot, London, Methuen, 2000, 3-5.

BOND, Edward: Pearl White, Notes on the TE of the Text, in The Hidden Plot,
London, Methuen, 2000, 37-46.

BonD, Edward: Ihe Reason for Iheatre, in The Hidden Plot, London, Methuen,
2000, 113-161.

BonD, Edward: Selections from the notebooks of Edward Bond, Stuart, Ian
(ed.) London, Methuen, 2000.

BonD, Edward: Modern Drama, in The Hidden Plot, London, Methuen, 2000,

BonD, Edward: The Children & Have I None, London, Methuen, 2000.

BonD, Edward: Edward Bond Letters 5, Stuart, Ian (ed.) London, Routledge,

BonD, Edward: The Cap, in Plays: Seven, London, Methuen, 2003, ix-xlii.

Bonp, Edward: Notes on Imagination, in Plays: Seven, London, Methuen,
2003, 95-124.

BonD, Edward: Olly’s Prison, in Plays: Seven, London, Methuen, 2003, 1-94.

BOND, Edward: Freedom and Drama, in Plays: 8, London, Methuen Drama,
2006, 205-222.

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