In Bondian terms site A, the contradictions of the world we live in, need to
be present in site B, in the story through specific actions and situations and
roles. Powerful images can also trigger the imagination to make connections
between different worlds.
6) The ownership and control of the fiction creates engagement in
the drama but the loss of control over the narrative at certain points
creates extreme moments and a motivation to understand and build
the story further.
I found that a potential for extreme situations can be created in moments
when the participants lose control over the story, but still have an ownership
of the fictional context.
Possibilities for Further Research
As stated before, this study engaged in an extremely wide survey of two
complex fields and has gone some of the way in bringing the two closer.
However, there are many important topics that would demand further
investigation to produce more practically implementable knowledge. I will
list some of these possibilities for further research.
« Using the space and the specific site of the drama offers more possibilities
than what was uncovered in this research. Perhaps designing elements
of space that carry more profound contradictions or sharper content
that can be tested in the situations would be a possibility. But also
breaking down and offering the possibility of designing more usable
spaces together with the participants could be researched further.
s The angle of connection is a complex concept that needs further
research so it can be implemented more productively in the field of
drama education. Also its relationship to the concept of Site would offer
useful grounding for the further exploration of Edward Bond’s theories
and practice.
« The relationship of Internal Coherence and Centre is also something
to explore further. Both concepts play an important role in structuring
drama, it would be useful to understand more about how they relate to
each other.
I have also come to some realisation in relation to my own practice that might
be useful to share at this point, as the central aim of this action research is to
develop my own work.
a) I became aware during the analysis of the data of the problem that
my images, preconceptions of what sort of theatre I was looking for
influenced the way I evaluated the situations as a facilitator during