Improvisation was a central element ofthe drama lessons, many participants
write in the guestionnaires that the most interesting moments of the drama
lessons were improvisations, because: "it was great to see how my two
partners just let it go in the improvisation”; “I did completely different things
than I expected from myself”, “I didn’t like improvisation so far, but now I got
to like it”, “the improvisations often took the story in completely unexpected
directions”. There is also a clearly positive response to improvising, and its
characteristic of surprise and unfolding narrative.
Participants reflected positively on theatre structures and concepts offered
directly in the drama lesson.
When you stuck those papers on the wall with the ideas of how we could develop
the scene, what twists and turns we can bring into it, that was really interesting.
It made me think about other situations and scenes where it could be used. It also
made me think about when we own our lives and when we don't. I think those
structures could easily be built into the scenes.’””
Participants enjoyed thinking about what we were doing as art. “I really liked
it that you brought theatre into the workshop :)”,”° wrote one participant,
while others specified that they enjoyed the scenes they created being
linked together”! to create a more coherent experience. Another respondent
summarised that aiming for the situations to “be self-propelled” and not
making “pre-digested” scenes for the audience, but letting them think for
themselves, and even just keeping the audience in mind was surprising,
because they are “real theatre things”; something she/he has not encountered
before in drama workshops.’” Being the audience of each other’s work was
also satisfying for some. As one of the student states “it was interesting to
compare the scenes, because we had similar starting point, but then people
developed using those forms into new directions”.’”
Altogether, the participants’ reflections and the analysis of the activity
of participants in the drama lessons shows that offering drama concept and
structures and a frame does not hinder the improvisation, itadds an awareness
of the artistic dimensions of the living through experiences of participants in
the drama lessons. It is also visible that participants are able to incorporate
structures offered in scenes they create and a more delicate break-up of tasks,
an appropriate rationing of responsibility placed on participants could make
it possible for participants to include them in improvisations as well.
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