OCR Output



Usually narratives provide the coherence of the drama process and
the framework for including tasks of exploration. In this cycle I tested three
different narratives and in this section I will compare the possibilities these
stories offered for the inclusion of Bondian concepts and structures in LTD.

The story should create motivation for exploration. There were great
differences in how interesting participants found the three narratives.
The second version of the 1956 lesson, which followed the story of a teenage
girl escaping from her father ending in their confrontation in the refugee
camp in Austria, was not exciting enough according to some participants.
“I think you need a more exciting story. Something that has more action.
Fight, robbery kidnapping”®® said one of the students in the focus group.
Others disagreed with her to some extent, but there was a clear indication
that some excitement, or something intriguing of some sort was missing.
In the discussion in the focus group someone stated that the story was
“too mundane”,‘® while another participant argued that running away is
not mundane at all. She claimed that she argues a lot with her parents, but
never even thought of running away. Another participant offered a different
analysis: “I felt there wasn’t enough tension. At points I was watching it from
the outside. Tension would have helped to go into it better, to take it more

Possibly the situations offered as scenes to be dramatised or to be played
as improvisations did not carry enough tension. But as the following quote
shows the story did trigger the imagination of some participants. One of them
offered some ideas about developing the narrative:

P1: I would have continued the story. The dad could receive a letter that his
daughter died. It would be interesting to see how he would have reacted to it.

T: What would he have done?

P1: He would become really sad. He would be very lonely and commit suicide.
I think he would shoot himself in the head, because that’s how his daughter died as
well. That info would be in the letter.‘”!

The lack of excitement referred to above and this quote also suggests that
participants were not able to connect with the extremes I had thought would
interest them within this narrative, even though the question of migration looms
over young people, as 33% percent of 15-29 year old Hungarians would like to

668 F 56B.
669 Ibid.
67 Ibid.
61 Ibid.

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