FIRST CYCLE P1: We understand things from it. There are good and bad people, and medium people. P2: We don’t have to experience this to find out. We can find it out from the story. Others reflected on connections with the unbreakable vow in Harry Potter mentioned before. Here at the end of the series they made personal value statements related to this connection. "I never tell on my friends because I know if I would tell on them they would not be my friends anymore and I dont want to lose them" stated one of the participants. At the end of the full process one of the girls in the focus groups responded the following to my guestions: T: What can you learn from a story like this? (Silence) P: I cant explain, but I have a feeling about this story. T: When did it start? P: In the second session. It is about myself, I am trying to understand myself. Unfortunately, she was not able to explain more, but her feelings seemed genuine. Ihese guotes, and many others referred to earlier in the text show, that the drama lessons triggered thinking, enhanced making connections. There were many useful learnings coming out of this first cycle of research which offered a clear directions of investigation for the second cycle. Evaluation of the First Cycle The first cycle of research explored the use of Bondian devices and structures in LTD. Besides providing useful insights and many new considerations towards creating DEs in LTD, the data shows that they were also enjoyable lessons for participants; 55 of the 57 participants of the three series said they would be happy to participate in a similar lesson again. All the specific findings coming out of the data analysis of this cycle will be brought together with the findings of the second cycle towards the end of this chapter. Here, I will reflect on the cycle as a whole to set directions for the second cycle of research. Clearly, the Bondian concepts, devices used did not hinder the realisation of process dramas with a LTD approach, participants mention improvisations as the most important and exciting parts of the lessons. The concept of Site and Centre can usefully accompany, though not substitute for internal coherence and angle of connection to help a more conscious structuring of 653 F G3. 654 Tbid. 65 Ibid. + 199 +