CHAPTER FIVE: DATA ANALYSIS Signs in classroom spaces As these photographs of two spaces show the primary school classrooms are full of photos, drawings, maps and all other images and objects that are connected to the group’s daily life. Though I was aware of the space, I had not thought about how this could be made productive for the drama lesson. Perhaps, because the signs on the classroom walls and the signs on the temple wall did not correlate to each other in a meaningful way it was easier to neglect both in the improvisations. Another factor is that I had not made the group aware or offered models of using the space in meaning-making. These four features related to the use of specific sites in a Bondian LTD are useful to take from this investigation. s It offers motivation and ownership if participants can create elements of the specific spaces used in the drama, but this does not mean they are aware of the meanings created in their use. s For space to be usable in making-meaning different parts of that space need to carry different meanings which do not become generalised and remain open for interpretation. + To use space for meaning-making participants need to be aware of the possibility of using the space in this way. s The relationship between the signs used in the fiction space need to have a clear relationship to the signs present in the physical space used for the drama. I now continue with the analysis of the data connected to Site C. + 188 +