Series and characteristics . Ref.
, Special .
Date lesson Group details | (male/female; Venue . in
, , circumstances
number experience in data
Mixed group,
Wild Child, |volunteeringto |5m./7f.some
21% In school,
1* lesson participate in participants M school,
February, extracurricular Wd
(180 research, experienced in classroom
2017 activity
minutes) 12 participants, | drama
(15-18 year old)
Mixed group,
Wild Child, |volunteeringto |5m./7f.some
28" In school,
2" lesson participate in participants M school,
February, extracurricular Wd
(180 research, experienced in classroom
2017 activity
minutes) 12 participants, | drama
(15-18 year old)
No complications occurred in the implementation of the second cycle of
Data Collection Tools Used
Action research often relies on eclectic methodology,°® this characteristic
is present in my research design as well. I describe the methods of data
collection in this section. An issue that needs to be addressed before specific
tools are presented is related to the validity of the research.*™ I have followed
the guidelines offered by Shenton to ensure trustworthiness of my action
research. For this reason I have adopted “research methods well established
both in qualitative investigation in general and in information science in
particular". The research aimed for the triangulation of data collection
methods and sources where possible, as suggested by Shenton,*® and to
ensure that multiple understandings of the same events are documented,
and the depth of the study is maintained. Silverman warns researchers of
being under the impression that triangulation leads to arriving at an “overall
truth”, or that it reveals the “whole picture”.5f For this reason throughout
the research process, in data collection and in analysis as well I have strived
to make certain that the “findings are the result of the experiences and
563 Cohen-Manion-Morrison: Research Methods in Education, 299.
564 Ibid., 312.
65 Andrew K.Shenton: Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects,
Education for Information, 22, 2004/1, 64.
>66 Ibid., 65.
567 David Silverman: Doing Qualitative Research, 2" edn., London, Sage, 2005, 122.