research in both territories that I greatly rely on, but I believe it will bring
useful new insights if the existing theoretical understandings are tested out
in practice through an action research and details of further connections and
new theoretical understanding is created. Within the vast field of integrating
Bondian drama into Living Ihrough Drama I chose the concept of Drama
Events and have set off to explore if Drama Events can be created in Living
Through Drama. This would mean that participants of drama lessons would
create gaps in meaning that challenge dominant social narratives on their
own from within the improvisations in the fiction.
I am aware that the question I chose for research covers vast and complex
territories, so I will point out possibilities but not offer recipes for creating
Drama Events. I do aim to explore and find connections between the fields
and investigate new avenues for those who are able to carry the research
As a drama teacher who knew about Living Through Drama from
a five-minute excerpt from the film Three Looms Waiting?” it was a useful
exploration to understand what this approach means by looking at specific
drama lessons, this is described in the first chapter. The second chapter offers
an overview of Edward Bond’s theory and then looks at the practice to see
what can be used in the drama work. The third chapter aims at bringing
the two practices together. I describe the research methodology in the fourth
chapter and analyse the data collected in two cycles of research in the fifth.
Finally, I define the new understanding of the connection of the two fields in
the final chapter of my thesis.
today, in Anthony Jackson — Chris Vine (eds.): Learning Through Theatre: New Perspectives
on Theatre in Education, 3" edn., London, Routledge, 2013, 41-59; John Doona: Why Bond
Matters, The Journal for Drama in Education, 26, 2010/1, 84-92.
26 A BBC documentary about Dorothy Heathcote that became the source of much admiration
and many misconceptions about her work. To be discussed in chapter one.