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FOREWORD. .. 2... 2222er nennen: 9
INTRODUCTION .......................,...44..44. 15
CHAPTER ONE: LIVING THROUGH DRAMA ...................... 19
Living Through or living through?.......................... 21
The Roots of Living Through Drama — Heathcote and ManinaMess...... 26
The Crisis - What are the Participants Living Through?. ........... 27
Stepping into Fiction — Building Belief - Beinginthe Drama ........ 30

The Self-Spectator ................................. 32
Heathcote’s Living Through — A Short Summary ............... 34
Being in the Situation — Three Re-interpretations of LTD. ............ 35
Gavin Bolton .................................... 36
Cecily O'Neill. ................................... 41
David Davis. .................................... 48
Summary: Aspects of Different LTD Practices to Consider in the Research . 52

The Contemporary Context and a Critique of Living Through Drama ..... 54
Contemporary Context: Elements of the Different Drama Approaches in LTD 54
Criticisms of Living Through Drama. ...................... 57
Living Through Drama and Bondian drama .................... 63
The Crisis Encountered in Living Through Drama and Drama Events . . . . 64
Connections Between Being in the Situation in LTD and Drama Events. . . 65
Summary: Possible Further Developments of Living Through Drama...... 66
Drama and the Contemporary Context ..................... 66
What to Develop Within Living Through Drama? ............... 67
CHAPTER Two: WHAT 15 A DRAMA EVENT?. ..................... 69
Short Introduction to Bondian Theory and the Drama Event. .......... 70
Further Examination of the Bondian Approach .................. 74
Confusing Reality and Fiction — Ideology .................... 75
Forming the Self and Radical Innocence. .................... 82
Bond and Brecht: the Role of the Audience in Drama ............. 87
Different Theoretical Analysis of DEs — Survey of Literature . . ......... 93