OCR Output

3. Against harmful animals
a) against harmful birds and worms
b) against harmful birds, mice, worms, snakes, locusts
and similar animals
c) blessing the plough fields in honour of abbot Magnus
as protection against locusts

V. Blessings and exorcisms of people
1. At marriage
a) blessing of ‘new wife’
2. At and after childbirth
a) churching of women
b) initiation of the mother at home
c) churching of the dead mother
3. Infants
a) general
b) against bewitchment
c) in case of illness
d) dressing up the child as part of a vow
e) when undressing
4. Pilgrims
a) at departure
b) at arrival
5. Soldiers
a) soldiers setting out for war or battle
6. Ill people, diseases
a) blessing ill people in general
) prayer to St. Liborius against epilepsy, bladder stone
) prayer to St. Apollonia against toothache
) prayer of St. Salvator from Horta against fever
) against the mental disturbance/raging of children
f) against high temperature
g) against epilepsy
h) against the pains of bladder stone
7. The bewitched
a) exorcism to expel all types of ‘being done’, bewitchment, evil eye,
magic and other devilish doings
b) exorcism to avert impotence in marriage (caused by bewitchment)
8. People suffering from possession by the devil
a) major exorcism
