- Titel
- War Matters. Constructing Images of the Other (1930s to 1950s)
- Editor
- Dagnosław Demski | Liisi Laineste | Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska
- Date
- 2015
- Place
- Budapest
- Zusammenfassung
- This volume, War Matters: Constructing Images of the Other (1930s to 1950s), describes how we understand the role of war in how the Other is depicted. However, in the following part of Introduction we would like to point out some more general questions to which authors refer in the volume and which we perceive as crucial for the analysis. Some of the authors deal with formal techniques and means of representation (for example introduced by the increasing availability and popularity of new media); some touch upon the problem of ideologies and aims of particular representations; yet others are concerned with social and political changes and influences thereof. All in all, the interactions between a wider socio-political context and specific visual representations, as well as the more specific context (technological development of the new media used in, for example, propaganda), are at the very core of our interests.
- Herausgeber
- L’Harmattan
- Co-publisher
- Estonian Literary Museum | Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Type of publication
- tanulmánykötet
- Field of science
- Antropológia, néprajz / Anthropology, ethnology (12857) | Kultúrakutatás, kulturális sokféleség / Cultural studies, cultural diversity (12950) | Társadalomszerkezet, egyenlőtlenségek, társadalmi mobilitás, etnikumközi kapcsolatok / Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, interethnic relations (12525) | Vizuális művészetek, előadóművészetek, dizájn / Visual arts, performing arts, design (13046)
- Stichwort
- visual studies | ethnic studies | stereotypes | Central and Eastern Europe
- Format
- Text
- 978-2-343-07233-3
- Sprache
- angol
- Edition
- Első kiadás
- Rechte
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0