JAROSLAW FRET of an Actor is a fundamental biomechanics of the body and the memory path that lives in us. It is impossible to perfect the “state of remembering” without viewing life as a musical vibration. How can we perceive a person as sound? What is the transmission of sound over generations and over space? What is voice among different domains of human experience? These questions are fundamental in our Teatr ZAR work, bringing new paths for anthropological research through and in theater practice. These questions are present in many ancient traditions, one among them being the Sama Veda. So, let’s start from the beginning: 1. Om. Verily, he who knows the eldest and the best, surely becomes the eldest and the best. Prana is indeed the eldest and the best (of the organs). 2. Verily, he who knows the richest, becomes the richest among his own people. Speech is indeed the richest. 3. Verily, he who knows the stable basis, becomes stabilized in this world and in the next. The eye is indeed the stable basis. 4. Verily, he who knows prosperity, attains all desires, both divine and human. The ear is indeed prosperity. 5. Verily, he who knows the abode, becomes the abode of his people. The mind is indeed the abode. 6. Now once, the five senses disputed among themselves about their personal superiority, saying, ‘I am superior’, ‘I am superior. 7. Those five senses approached the father Prajapati and said to him, ‘Revered sir, who is the best amongst us?’ He replied, ‘He amongst you is the best on whose departure the body would appear its worst, as it were.’ 8. Speech departed. Staying a year out, it came back and asked, ‘How have you been able to live without me?’ The others replied, ‘Just like the dumb: though not speaking, yet living with the breath, seeing with the eye, hearing with the ear, and thinking with the mind.’ At this speech entered the body. 9. The eye departed. Staying a year out, it came back and asked, ‘How have you been able to live without me?’ Just like the blind, though not seeing, yet living with the breath, speaking with the organ of speech, hearing with the ear, and thinking with the mind. At this the eye entered the body. 10. The ear departed. Staying a year out, it came back and asked, How have you been able to live without me?" Just like the deaf, though not hearing, yet living with the breath, speaking with the organ of speech, seeing with the eye, and thinking with the mind. At this the ear entered the body. 11. Ihe mind departed. Staying a year out, it came back and asked, How have you been able to live without me?’ ‘Just like infants without developed + 218