ALONG THE HERDING TRAILS THE YEARS... SCRIPTED AND EMBODIED RITUALITY IN A YOIK-NOH PERFORMANCE! ——~<~o»—___ JOHANNA DOMOKOS This paper explores how two major forms of poetic rituality manifest in the dramatic works of the Sami author Nils-Aslak Valkeapdd (1943-2001), owing to the influence of Sdmi and Japanese cultures. More precisely, this presentation focuses on the mapping of scripted ritual elements, which inspire, influence, and contribute through their embodiment to the aesthetic presentivity of a yoik-Noh play and its performances. Scripted rituality relates to the role and function of ritual elements and patterns that are fixed in some form before they reach their addressee (the writer, the reader, the actor, or the audience). Its counterpart, embodied rituality, relates to the role and function of ritual elements and patterns as they manifest, as well as carrying out the interpretative and performative processes while the text or performance “happen.” Moreover, this study also demonstrates the dialectic relation between scripted and embodied ritual elements during the multiphase artistic process. RITUAL AND ART As emphasized in the main theses of Wolfgang Braungart’s article Ritual and Aesthetic Presentivity, included in this book, art is constitutive for rituals and rituals are constitutive for art”. Art and ritual substantially draw from their aesthetic presentivity.* Understood as central for their aesthetic organization, The present paper is based on my previous research results published as Betwixt, liminal and transformative. Key concepts in Ailu’s work, in T. Valtonen — L. Valkeapia (eds.): Mind soin — Mun Cuojan. Kirjoituksia Nils-Aslak Valkeapään elämäntyöstä, Rovaniemi, Lapland University Press, 2017, 259-276. That study reflected on the relation of the ritual and the liminal. This paper elaborates on poetic rituality a step further and develops new analytic concepts, that of scripted and liminal rituality for a more nuanced understanding of ritual elements in arts. Wolfgang Braungart: Ritual, in D. Weidner (ed): Handbuch Literatur und Religion, Stuttgart, Metzler, 2016, 427-434, 427; Saskia Fischer: Ritual und Ritualität im Drama nach 1945, Paderborn, Fink, 2019b, 28. 3 Braungart: Ritual, 433; Fischer: Ritual und Ritualität, 34. +69 +