ABSTRACIS me CSILLA ILONA DÉR About language user attitudes related to independent (insubordinated) clauses 1he study examines the opinions of language users regarding independent clauses starting with the conjunction hogy ’that’ (e.g. Hogy te milyen csinos vagy! "How pretty you are!’). These clauses can serve as a breeding ground for linguistic ideologies due to their behavior that contradicts the common syntactic rules and their basically pragmatic roles. I have conducted a focus group interview among university students studying teaching of Hungarian as a foreign language. According to the results, these native speakers of Hungarian know most of the insubordinated forms and categories well, and only in a few cases did they come to different opinions about them. They have a complex knowledge about the different variants, even though they did not come across the subject of insubordination during their linguistics training. Some variants are only slightly stigmatized, rather they are associated with certain genres or registers (mainly with colloquial language), and as spoken language turns, certain forms of them would be taught even at elementary level. DANIEL FARKAS The establishment of diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Hungary, 1952-1953 The article aims to outline the circumstances and process of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Hungary over the course of 1952-1953. This relationship was an example of a classic Cold War diplomatic game, where Bolivia established relations with this small Eastern Bloc country to widen his maneouvering ground and bargaining power in the face of the United States. * 111 +