4. POSITIVE EDUCATION IN PEDAGOGICAL REALITY 4.3 DIDACTIC WORK OF THE TEACHER AND POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Prioritizing a sensitive, empathetic approach to students: — creating a positive atmosphere at the beginning of the lesson, — application of experiential learning strategies with an individual approach, objective evaluation and sincere praise for the effort expended, supporting internal motivation, creating a space in which the student experiences success, — emphasizing positive emotions, expressing personal feelings, their authenticity and naturalness, — using humour in the teacher’s work. Attractive and meaningful organization of free time: provision of a wide range of clubs and activities of interest to pupils, according to previously identified interests. Applying elements of positive psychology to education: the use of elements of positive psychology in every subject, in every stage of the teaching unit, in the activities of the teacher, but also of the pupil. Emphasis on student responsibility: support for responsible behaviour in the fulfilment of school duties, reasonable and responsible use of computing technology in cyberspace, support for healthy interactions, support for the optimal positive prosperity of the personality in the educational process. Identifying and supporting the strengths of students’ character: — the use of questionnaires, through which it is possible to identify the character of pupils, — support for pupils’ well-being and resilience through coping strategies. Observing and respecting the requirements and principles of the school rules: — appropriate and disciplined behaviour, — polite and correct approach to students, teachers, school staff, peers, — showing respect and sincere appreciation towards students, but also colleagues and superiors, — application of life principles. Use of various forms and methods of evaluating student performance: — application of evaluation that is motivating for students, — applying formative evaluation, «75 ¢