POSITIVE EDUCATION — THE AXIOM OF CONTEMPORARY UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION identification of strengths of personality and character of a high-school student, encouraging self-regulatory learning of students, using methods and forms of activating teaching with creative potential, applying pedagogical-didactic interventions to support a favourable learning climate with a sense of security and safety, use of innovative methods in education, to provide students with participation in school decision-making processes in the form of a student school board ($tofkovä Dianovskä, 2020, 101-131, 242-243). Baranyai is following the development of an unfavourable school climate. As part of research investigations carried out with a research sample of 1,000 teachers and 10,000 pupils with parents, he diagnosed the school environment. The author states that the vast majority of Slovak schools work in “administrative” mental settings. He sees a big shortcoming in the lack of enthusiastic school staff, with creative visions or surplus values that they would achieve together. High-school students observe the day-to-day frustrations of highschool teaching staff. He finds it negative that school staff are not interested in making a change and that adolescents want to leave high school. They do not see the meaning of education in such a high-school culture and do not feel good in the set secondary school climate, because it lacks the joy of meaningful efforts and interest in the participation of the local community. The author sees the frustration of teachers in fulfilling their pedagogical-didactic duties: how and what to teach when in class, what to try or not to try, what to do when someone causes problems, how to reach adherence to discipline, what to do with incompetent parents, how to manage them. The result was overloaded high-school students with bored expressions on their faces. Baranyai talks about the lack of respected male role models in the teaching staff. The school, without its world and optimistic climate in it, virtually kills young adolescents (Baranyai, 2016). There is an opportunity to improve the secondary school climate with indicators of a positive school climate. Positive education offers many practices that can help change the structure of schools and their high-school students for the better. According to Skamrlik (2017), a school is a place of intensive social learning and the school climate characterizes the overall quality of interpersonal relationships and social events in the school. He points out that a positive school climate has an impact on the social behaviour of high-school students and their motivation, learning and, of course, results. Based on the analysis, the researchers developed a positive school climate. Blastikova processed five areas and their dimensions for a positive school climate according to the National School Climate Center (2017): Safety — standards and rules, protection against physical, mental, and verbal violence, and social-emotional security. + 44 »